Recycling - Plastics

Recycling of plastics is the process of retrieving used plastics products for conversion into another product. This converted product may be totally different from the original product that was recycled, for example, plastic soft drinks bottles may be recycled into plastic bags. Plastics are used extensively by consumers daily from durable products like furniture to food or drink containers and packaging… More

Related Categories
Recycling - Bio-conversion  |  Recycling - Centres  |  Recycling - Construction Waste  |  Recycling - Electronics  |  Recycling - Food Waste  |  Recycling - Glass  |  Recycling - Horticultural Waste  |  Recycling - Metals  |  Recycling - Oil & Sludge  |  Recycling - Paper  |  Recycling - Rubber  |  Recycling - Scrap Tyres  |  Recycling - Wood


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